Strangers, Sisters

Your expression reflects fragments of deep longings inside. They’re physical manifestations of what captivates your heart and keep you up at night. Whether you are aware or not, you gravitate towards the things grafted inside. 

When I first came to Korea, I knew no one. The more I fell in love with the beauty of this land, I longed to meet and connect with people that make up Seoul. When I began meeting them and heard their unique Seoul-stories, I immediately experienced a deeper dimension of love and inspiration for Korea.

Strangers became faces, and faces became friends. Seven months later: my favorite places in Seoul that were mere geographical locations are now marked by people and memories. :)

During my first few months in Korea, I took a series of individual photos that became a collection called “Pairs.” Seven months later, I realized that these are visual reflections of my passion for womanhood and longing for community. I wrote this after my last Korea trip in October 2015:

The true beauty of Korea is not the visible things
in the faces, foods, and streets,
but in its people,
who not only dream about possibilities,
but choose and run towards the higher and unseen things.

When your mind is foggy and unclear, revisit the things that made you come alive in the past. 

Whenever I feel stuck or run in circles, I return to my core passions. If you know me, you will know that I'm all about that sistahoodlife! I'm passionate about telling stories rooted in truth and inviting people into fresh perspectives, specifically about womanhood and community. I wrote two posts on sisterhood last year: Better Together and Blooming Together

At first look, you may only see conformity in Korea - but do not be discouraged by first impressions. Dig deeper, get to know the people, and you’ll be surprised by Seoul’s electrifying and dynamic energy that's unlike anywhere else in the world.

Something wonderful is being cultivated in the city of Seoul. People with such unique stories and backgrounds somehow all ended up here -  and have found themselves to be residents. It's so easy to live in a populated city and feel so alone. Being part of a community in Korea was a game-changer for me - and awakened a greater love and calling for the land.

I’m excited to know this is only the beginning of a bigger story. Follow my #koreathebeautiful journey on @pieana!

All taken by yours truly in Seoul (except the first from Japan)

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