Introducing #30DaysOfPi

As an Enneagram 4, I find myself constantly vacillating between reflective and creative states of mind. 💭

If I remain in the former, I would probably drown in my self-induced pool of thoughts. 4s are known to have such vast imaginative minds we don’t need much to be entertained. We're constantly stimulated and inspired internally. But how we steward the stimulation ultimately determines our overall health as 4s. What we do with the internal data matters; it can alter the course of our creative journey and process as humans. 

For many years (actually this entire decade 😮), I wrestled with how my input always seemed to weigh heavier than my output. So during times when I lean heavily in the reflective state, I combat the dangers of staying there (...forever 😂) by flexing my natural planner muscle. I slowly detach myself from my thoughts and direct my energy to produce tangible works for others to glean and join in. I constantly switch gears between states of Receiving Inspiration and Exerting Output. I strive for Balance because without it, I’d lean too far into either end of the spectrum, which can lead to depression or burnout.

Last month, I took a timely retreat-esque trip to the East Coast.

While housesitting in the suburbs of Philly, I had an unusual amount of time sitting with myself. Naturally, ideas and inspiration flowed. Then, on October 10th, this project idea landed in my mind. All started with a question: What if I share with the world my thoughts, writing, videos, and outfits as they come? Instead of letting them sit and marinate for weeks and even months.

I've exhausted the joy of living my life in drafts and finally feel ready to share more in the moment! 🙋🏻‍♀️✨ 

…So with much excitement & squeals, I’d like to introduce you to ✨30 DAYS OF PI✨.

Over the next 30 days, I'll package up all that I’ve been ideating and learning into creative bites for y’all to enjoy 🤍 The timing is also impeccable, as I'm turning 31 on November 26th!

Year 30 had been nothing short of magic, and I'll be squeezing out the final drops of grace & goodness over the start of my Third Decade 🍯 So stoked to start my 31st year STRONG with new creative energy, strength, and momentum! 

Are you READY for full-blown pieana dipped CREATIVITY? 😉 Follow the journey on my IG ✨ #30DaysofPi

CREATIVITYDiana ParkComment