Guilt Free Bakery

Let me introduce you to a sweet baker friend of mine! Her name is Lisa. She went to FIT to study fashion, and switched tracks when she decided that baking is her passion. While her peers stayed up with their design projects, she truly felt alive when she baked the night away. Her bakery is called Guilt Free Bakery. Gluten-free and vegan products are fairly new "Western" trends in South Korea, so her goods made without white flour, sugar, butter, diary, egg, and preservatives are pioneers in the food industry.

1. Gluten-free classic choco-chip cookies made w/ chickpea flour
2. Whole-wheat banana cupcakes w/ vanilla frosting
3. Brown rice fudge brownies   
4. Gluten-free plain & deep chocolate cake donuts made w/ chickpea flour   
5. Blueberry cake & earl grey muffins (my faves!)

We met in a formal business setting, but quickly became friends when we connected through our similar interests and passions. During the two days I spent time with her, I discovered that:

- We were born on the same year, and our birthdays are only two days apart
- We both wanted to be a fashion designer when we were little
- We bonded over our love for healthy food. We both love Native Foods in California. Hence our first meal together was at a quaint vegan place called Plant in Itaewon #datveganlife #ilovemeattoo
- Lisa's sister and I both went to UCLA (Go Bruins!)
- We are both on a journey of learning what it means to unveil Beauty in spirit and in truth


Check out her bakery if you are in Korea! It's currently located in Hwasung, which is about an hour away from Seoul. She hopes to expand into Seoul in the near future. For now, she's holding a pop-up shop at Toss & Turn, an American-style resturant in Itaewon from Halloween through the month of November. Come by for a meal and grab some of her guilt-free, delicious goods for dessert!
