Girlfriend High

Since I was a kid, I ADORED my girlfriends 🤩 Growing up with 2 brothers, I always dreamt of having a sister. And my girlfriends were just THAT, but even better I CHOSE THEM 💖

And y’all!! I honestly didn’t think that I’d still be on my girlfriend HIGH in my 30s 😭😭 Quality friendships take a lot of work, but once you hit the sweet spot, it’s so goooood. Like a gift that never stops giving ☺️

Call it GIRLFRIEND HIGH 👯‍♀️✨😆 cuz it’s the best and never gets old. I’m so excited to grow old with my girls! Embracing all the fun, chill, kind, emotional, intense, crazy, wholesome, bosswoman and tender ways we embody at different times..💗✨

Sending loads of love to the core women in my life today - y’all know who you are 💌

Original copy and photo on my Instagram, 2023

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