30 Days of Pi, Part 2

🌼 Rewind to #30DaysOfPi DAY 1 ↩️

Back in Day 1, aka 11.01.23, Hawaii was not in my books y’all! This trip - along with the new year - came to me like a sweet gift 💝

As always, God is unfolding his Better Plans for me 🙏🏻 I’m excited to see what the rest of this year will bring ☺️

Ur girl is signing out from the 2023 run of ✨30 DAYS OF PI✨ today🚪 So grateful that I got to share glimpses of my life & community in the past 4 months!

30 bite-sized pieces of #pieana 🥧 Check out the content series on #30DaysOfPi - or on my blog here🧡

[Originally posted on my Instagram on March 1, 2024]

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